17. Juli–26. August 2023

OK. oskar: archiv
17. 7. – 26. 8. 23

Pavillon Photo: Anna Aicher

Founded in 1953 by Oskar Kokoschka as the "School of Seeing" with the support of the Salzburg Gallery owner Friedrich Welz at the Hohensalzburg Fortress, the International Summer Academy of Fine Arts Salzburg is the oldest of its kind in Europe. Around 300 participants from more than 50 nations attend around 20 courses each year at the course venues at the Hohensalzburg Fortress and the Untersberg Quarry, as well as at temporary locations in the city of Salzburg and the surrounding area. Renowned artists, curators and critics from all over the world offer courses on contemporary art and architecture as well as on curating and writing.

Memorable moments from 70 years are woven into a visual essay under 26 associative terms. We look back to the past and forward to the various laboratories of art and to their idiosyncrasy, informality and sense of community. The jubilee documentary produced by Sina Moser and Joyce Rohrmoser combines archive material, interviews and current events at the Hohensalzburg Fortress—a unique collage of creative work and its individual and social reflection. At the same time, it shows the possible horizons of an art academy and thus of a pedagogical relationship to art today.

Stadtgalerie Museumspavillon
17. 7. – 26. 8. 23