Karol Radziszewski, Sebastian im Traum, installation view, Galerie Kunst im Traklhaus, Salzburg, 2023, photo: Rudolf Strobl - Karol Radziszewski, Sebastian im Traum, installation view, Galerie Kunst im Traklhaus, Salzburg, 2023, photo: Rudolf Strobl

Karol Radziszewski

The Power of Secrets
19. – 31. 8. 24

About the course

This course will be dedicated to the broadly understood issue of portrait in terms of painting and in the context of queer history. The starting-point for developing new works will be stories, gossip, legends and private memories as well as official history.

As part of the course, students will be able to learn new techniques and develop existing painting skills, as well as to create new works in a dialogue based on individual corrections and conversations. At the same time, the axis of the classes will be a series of meetings during which students will learn about queer history and aspects of the presence and absence of non-heteronormative persons in official narratives.

The classes will also allow students to become acquainted with the archives and lesser‑known queerstories, with particular emphasis on the countries of Central and Eastern Europe. This part will take the form of presentations and group workshops.

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Festung Hohensalzburg
19. – 31. 8. 24
Course language
English (Polish also possible)
What to bring
Favourite painting and drawing utensils (paints, brushes, crayons, pastels, etc) canvases and paper sheets.
Maximum number of participants
Oliver Riedel
Participation fee
670 Euro (reduced 495 Euro)

Karol Radziszewski

Karol Radziszewski challenges predominant historical narratives and their prevalent modes of representation; Radziszewski’s multidisciplinary and archive-based practice convenes a myriad of political, social, religious-cultural and art-historical references, probing their relation to the history of sexuality and the construction of gender.

Since 2005, Radziszewski has been publisher and editor-in-chief of DIK Fagazine; he founded the Queer Archives Institute in 2015.

Since 2005, Radziszewski has been publisher and editor-in-chief of DIK Fagazine; he founded the Queer Archives Institute in 2015.

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Selected solo exhibitions
2024 Filo, Auto Italia, London. 2023 One Day These Kids…, Between Bridges, Berlin. 2020 QAI/CEE, Museum of Contemporary Art Metelkova, Ljubljana. 2019 The Power of Secrets, CCA Ujazdowski Castle, Warsaw.

Selected group exhibitions
2023-2024 Multiple Realities: Experimental Art in the Eastern Bloc, 1960s–1980s, Walker Art Center, Minneapolis, MN (US). 2022 Kisieland, Part of the Museum Collection, Museum of Modern Art, Warsaw. 2021 AIDS, as part of the Museum Collection, Muzeum Sztuki, Lodz (PL). 2021The Endless Frontier, 14th Baltic Triennial, Vilnius. 2019 Her Own Way, Female Artists and the Moving Image in Art in Poland: From 1970s to the Present, Tokyo Photographic Art Museum, Tokyo. 2016 Acervo Videobrasil em Contexto #2, artist residency in Galpão VB, São Paulo (BR). 2012-2013 AMERICA IS NOT READY FOR THIS, Wroclaw Contemporary Museum, artist residency in Unlimited, New York, NY (US). 2012 Screenings at PERFORMA 13 Biennal, artist residency in Unlimited, New York, NY. 2013PLAY! Recapturing The Radical Imagination, 7th Gothenburg International Biennial for Contemporary Art, Gothenburg (SE).