Nasa, (detail) 110 x 185 cm - Nasa, (detail) 110 x 185 cm
Fully booked!

Adriana Bustos

Mental Mapping: or how to draw clouds of thoughts
19. – 31. 8. 24

Imago Mundi X, Acrylic, graphite and gold, 2013 Imago Mundi X, Acrylic, graphite and gold, 2013
Viceversa, Genealogy of a collection, MAMBO, 2023-2024 Viceversa, Genealogy of a collection, MAMBO, 2023-2024
Imago Mundi VI. Independent Thinker I, 2014 Imago Mundi VI. Independent Thinker I, 2014
Official Territory, 200 x 200 cm Official Territory, 200 x 200 cm

About the course

Contemporary art is a complex system of knowledge that insistently proposes new and original questions about (dis)identifying. Multiple ways exist to explore and recognize our subjectivities in time and space. That’s why cartography, a topographical device, might help us find ourselves through visual language.

The exercise of trying to construct a mental map will be the excuse to delve into the “mental image” and the possibility of representing these images in a whole of relations. The mental image is a relatively independent subset within the subject. The experience of incorporating the affective-emotional plane will enrich these images until they become symbols. Symbols are also memory images resulting from an intense exchange between the subject and a situation. From this universe of symbols, invention can emerge and produce new images. One can set up a system capable of integrating more images.

Essentially, it will be a matter of arborescence and unfolding ideas embodied in words, drawings, pictures, music, gestures, objects, etc. During the workshop, we will work individually and in groups to construct a cartographic language. A mental and critical map can help us situate ourselves in a vital, wholesome experience.

Festung Hohensalzburg
19. – 31. 8. 24
Teaching language
English (Spanish possible)
What to bring
Pencils, drawing block or sketch book, sharpener, eraser
Maximum number of participants
Johanna Binder
Participation fee
670 Euro (reduced 495 Euro)

Adriana Bustos

Adriana Bustos lives and works in Buenos Aires. She graduated from the School of Fine Arts and Psychology at University of Córdoba (AR). Bustos creates a narrative discourse through installation, video, photography and drawing, in which her reflections on prevailing social, political or religious oppression appear in non-linear interpretations of history. The investigative and documentary nature of her work challenges so-called historical facts by drawing from ideas taken up in areas of anthropology, science, popular culture, fiction, biographical writings and history itself, and juxtaposes them within representational systems.

She has participated in biennials such as Bienal Sur Global, Argentina; Site Santa Fé, NM (US); Biennal of Montevideo (UY); Les Atelliers de Rennes (FR); Istanbul: MD11, Medellín (CO); End of the World (AR) and Biennal of Mercosur (BR).

Her works have been included in numerous public collections: Reina Sofía Museum and ARCO Ifema Foundation (ES); Museo de Arte Latinoamericano MALBA and Museo de Arte Moderno Mamba (AR), Aciacity Foundation (SG); Federico Klemm Foundation and OSDE Foundation (AR); Museum of Contemporary Art of Lisbon (PT); Museum of Contemporary Art of Medellín (CO); Fundación Cassa di Rizparmio, Modena (IT), among others.

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Selected Solo Exhibitions
2023-24 Viceversa, Genealogy of a collection, MAMBO Bogotá. América, Museo MARCO, Buenos Aires. Cruce en el Río, Museo de los Inmigrantes, UNTREF, Buenos Aires. 2019 El retorno de lo reprimido, Fundación Klemm, Buenos Aires. 2018 La Maquina de Visión, Galería Nora Fisch, Buenos Aires. 2017 Prosa del Observatorio, MUSAC (Museo de Arte Contemporáneo de Castilla y León), León (ES). 2016 Quién dice qué a quién, Galería Bacelos, Madrid.

Selected Group Exhibitions
2023-24 Green Snake, Tai Kwun Museum, Hong Kong. Argentina, quel che la notte racconta al giorno, PAC Milan (IT); Fundación PROA, Buenos Aires. 18 minutos del sol, Museo de Arte Moderno, Buenos Aires. Archivos Activos, Biennale Sur, Archivo General de Indias, Sevilla (ES). Rompecabezas, Museo de los Inmigrantes, Buenos Aires. Animalli, Vegetali, Rocce e Minearali, Museo della Cilvitá, Rome. 2022 Cosmopolis 3 Rethinking the human, Museo Madre, Napoli (IT). Paisaje Peregrino, Museo Moderno, Buenos Aires. 2021 The Missing Circle, Kadist Foundation , San Francisco, CA (US). 2020Vision Machine, Frieze New York, Museo del Barrio, New York, NY (US). 2019 Cosmopolis 2 Rethinking nature, Centre George Pompidou, Paris. 2014 Latin America Roaming Art, Bogotá.


Selected Publications
“Vitamin D3, Today´s Best in Contemporary Drawing” in: Phaidon Editorial, 2021.
“Vertical Atlas” , Hivos and Het Nieuwe Instituut, Rotterdam, 2022.
“The matter of photography in the Americas” Gerald Cantor Center for Visual Arts at Stanford University, 2018.