230824_KU_AstritIsmaili-7_AnnaAicher - Course Astrit Ismaili, photo: Anna Aicher


A total of around 100 scholarships are awarded each year. Some only cover the participation fee for a course at the Summer Academy, others also include travel and accommodation costs.

Application deadline: 1 April 2025

The jury's decisions will be announced by end of April at the latest

Application in electronic form only, uploads of PDF files only.

The scholarship application is also the registration for a course. Therefore, please do not fill out the application form additionally.

The application must include the following documents:
-Filled out form
-A portfolio with approx. 10 images of your work (does not apply to applications for the curatorial practice and theory and writing courses)

Other scholarship providers

Other scholarships, which always cover the participation fee and include a travel and accommodation allowance; submission to the respective scholarship provider

  • ERSTE Foundation awards scholarships for young curators and artists from Croatia, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, the Czech Republic, Ukraine and Hungary. Enquiries to: www.tranzit.org
  • KSA (Kingston School of Art), Kingston University, London, one of the leading art schools in the UK, is offering two scholarships for students in their second year of a Bachelor of Fine Art programme. Enquiries and applications to: Mark Harris, Associate Professor Fine Art.
  • The Department of Fine Arts at the Zurich University of the Arts awards up to 8 scholarships per year for students from the Bachelor's and Master's degree programs. Both course and rail travel costs are covered. Applications are made via a public call for applications. https://www.zhdk.ch/departemente/dfa
  • The Freundeskreis der Hochschule für Grafik und Buchkunst Leipzig e.V. awards a scholarship to a student at the Hochschule für Grafik und Buchkunst Leipzig.
  • The state of Vorarlberg awards scholarships to visual artists and art students with a connection to Vorarlberg. An application can be submitted after successful enrolment in a course. The state of Vorarlberg grants a scholarship (250 euros per week / maximum of four weeks) as well as a contribution towards accommodation costs (150 euros per week / maximum of four weeks). Enquiries and applications to: Mrs Susanna Koch, susanna.koch@vorarlberg.at, Cultural Department of the Province of Vorarlberg.
  • The Free State of Bavaria awards scholarships to students at the art academies in Munich and Nuremberg. Enquiries and further information: Akademie der Bildenden Künste München or Akademie der Bildenden Künste Nürnberg.