
Mette Sterre

There's No Flesh
20. 5. – 11. 6. 23

Mette Sterre, Installation view, Galerie Kunst im Traklhaus, 2023. Photo: Rudolf Strobl Mette Sterre, Installation view, Galerie Kunst im Traklhaus, 2023. Photo: Rudolf Strobl
rst_230519_1046_A4 Mette Sterre, Installation view, Galerie Kunst im Traklhaus, 2023. Photo: Rudolf Strobl
rst_230519_0972_96_A4 Mette Sterre, Installation view, Galerie Kunst im Traklhaus, 2023. Photo: Rudolf Strobl
20. 5. – 11. 6. 23
There's No Flesh
Bodies liquefy when their appearance combines with new technologies contrary to cultural notions. Mette Sterre's (b. 1983, Delft/Netherlands) work constantly reappropriates and appreciates bodies in techno-social contexts. Drawing on ideas of post/transhumanism, queer/feminism and science fiction, the artist approaches bodies more than as just a substantial mass (flesh). Voluminous body suits, 3D-printed figures and the fusion of different materials such as plastic and oil together with the human body show a world where bodies resemble their surroundings and thus point to a future beyond anthropocentrism.
Exhibition Opening
19 May 2023, Galerie Kunst im Traklhaus 6 p.m. Artist talk with Mette Sterre in English, 7 p.m.
There's No Flesh
For the International Summer Academy Mette Sterre teaches the course 'On Furlough /// To Entertain My Paracosmic Playdates Reality Show' (17-29 July 2023). At the same time in the Showroom Kunst im Traklhaus
On Solidarity
Films in Times of War April – September 2023
20. Mai – 10. Jun 2023 Anna Scherbyna / Valentina Petrova, Sisters (2019), 12 Min.
Galerie Kunst im Traklhaus Waagplatz 1a, 5020 Salzburg
Opening hours
Monday-Friday: 2-6 p.m.; Saturday: 10 a.m.-1 p.m. Free admission
19 May 2023, 6 p.m. Artist talk with Mette Sterre in English, 7 p.m. opening