
Nikolay Karabinovych

Ici et ailleurs
15. 7. – 5. 8. 23

Nikolay Karabinovych, Videostill, 2023 Nikolay Karabinovych, Videostill, 2023
03 Nikolay Karabinovych, Videostill, 2023
02 Nikolay Karabinovych, Videostill, 2023

This new artwork by Nikolay Karabinovych is the final chapter of the trilogy that the artist has been presenting in Kyiv over the last four years. The first part, The Voice of Thin Silence, told a story about his grandfather who was deported to Kazakhstan in 1949. In the second one, entitled Even Further, Karabinovych was researching his own Greek and Jewish roots, reflecting on the historical tension between these peoples, which now have their respective diasporas co-existing in modern-day Odesa. In the third and final chapter, he dives into experiences having to do with yet another ordeal faced by a member of his family, this time the artist's mother.

While consistently sharing personal, familial stories, he chooses to present them in a very minimalist and concise way, sparing the details and thus allowing the viewer to better relate to the plot.
In this retelling of a small personal tragedy, the artist implies millions of similar ones destined to pass unnoticed due to their assumed insignificance as compared to atrocities of war. He emphasises the tension between the presence and absence that many Ukrainians in exile experience nowadays.

In the video, the artist's mother plays Francis Poulenc's Concerto for Organ, Timpani and Strings on an imaginary organ.

No music is heard and no audience is seen on the screen; she is surrounded by silence and solitude of a desolate desert.

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Nikolay Karabinovych (b. 1988, Odesa, Ukraine) works across various media such as video installation, performance, sound, and sculpture. He explores the social histories of Eastern Europe, approaching collective and personal memory by means of analytical, conceptual or interventionist tactics.

In 2020 he graduated from the Higher Institute for Fine Arts (HISK) in Ghent. Karabinovych was an assistant curator of the 5th Odesa Biennale. In 2022, 2020 and 2018, he was awarded the first PinchukArtCentre Prize.

His work has been shown extensively at public institutions (M UHKA, Museum of Contemporary Art, Antwerp; Belgium Jewish Museum, Bozar, Brussels; w139, Amsterdam; Zamek Ujazdowski, Warsaw; Pinchuk Art Centre, Kyiv; and many others) and in galleries (Hunt Kastner gallery, Prague; Voloshyn Gallery, Kyiv; Hit Gallery, Bratislava and others).

15. 7. – 5. 8. 23
On Solidarity
Films in Times of War April – September 2023 Showroom Kunst im Traklhaus On Solidarity is a curated film programme that explores films by Ukrainian artists in times of war and violence.
15. Juli – 05. August 2023
Nikolay Karabinovych, Ici et ailleurs (2023), 8:16 Min. In cooperation with Galerie Kunst im Traklhaus
In cooperation with Galerie Kunst im Traklhaus
Showroom Kunst im Traklhaus Waagplatz 1a, 5020 Salzburg
Opening hours
Monday-Friday: 14-18 h; Saturday: 10-13 h Free admission