G for Genom

Shu Lea Cheang

G for GENOM. I hear the blood running
12. 8. – 2. 9. 23

SLC She Lea Cheang, 'G for GENOM. I hear the blood running', installation view, 2023. Photo: Rudolf Strobl
Shulea She Lea Cheang, 'G for GENOM. I hear the blood running', installation view, 2023. Photo: Rudolf Strobl
Shulea_bloodcells She Lea Cheang, 'G for GENOM. I hear the blood running', installation view, 2023. Photo: Rudolf Strobl

In an era of post-net-crash, GENOM Co. takes the human body hostage to initiate BioNet. A network made up of re-engineered erythrocytes. These red blood cells, which would function as carriers to deliver oxygen to the body tissues are reconfigured into DNA retainers storing and reprocessing data or memories. In its profitable biotech engineering scheme, GENOM Co. harvests orgasmic data transactions to produce red pills for mass pharmaceutical markets.

The exhibition takes scenes from Shu Lea Cheang’s (b. 1954 in Taiwan) sci-fi viral alt-reality film UKI (2023) between gallery walls pasted with G-stamped red blood cells. We become part of this science fiction playing out with bio-informatics, bio-engineering and intricate network construct that we follow on advertisement screens and in a video of GENOM’s bio-scientists debating the operation’s data mining and its potential glitches in creating an in-between species.

We have departed from the gender binary and deviated into transgenic discourse. We are part of integrated circuits of bio-networks which build upon our bio-info data.

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12. 8. – 2. 9. 23
Shu Lea Cheang
For the International Summer Academy Shu Lea Cheang teaches the course 'Code Me, Love Me, Set Me Free: Queerdom in other-worlds' (14 August - 26 September 2023) At the same time in the Showroom Kunst im Traklhaus
On Solidarity
Films in Times of War April – September 2023
12. August– 02. September 2023
Mykola Ridnyi, Temerari, 2021 (21 min.) Galerie Kunst im Traklhaus Waagplatz 1a, 5020 Salzburg
Opening hours
Monday-Friday: 2-6 p.m.; Saturday: 10 a.m.-1 p.m. Free admission
11 August 2023, Galerie Kunst im Traklhaus 7 p.m. opening, 8 p.m. artist talk with Shu Lea Cheang in English