Yama 4, photo: Ella Barak - Yama 4, photo: Ella Barak

Neta Weiner / Stav Marin / Samira Saraya

Dancing in Tongues: developing language(s) of performance
22. 7. – 3. 8. 24

Yama, Photo by Yait Meyuhas, Neta Weiner Yama, Photo by Yait Meyuhas
Tzena Urena, Photo by Ophir Ben Shimon, Neta Weiner Tzena Urena, Photo by Ophir Ben Shimon
Yama, Photo by Yair Meyuhas, Neta Weiner Yama, Photo by Yair Meyuhas
Yama, Photo by Yair Meyuhas, Neta Weiner Yama, Photo by Yair Meyuhas
Cut. Loose. Photo by Ascaf Avraham, Neta Weiner - Cut. Loose., 2016, Neta Weiner, Stav Marin (p. Ascaf Avraham) Cut. Loose., Neta Weiner, Stav Marin, 2016 Photo by Ascaf Avraham

About the course

The course focuses on developing a performance language specific to each performer. It explores the relationship between language, vocal production, and movement and offers training in performance, language as a political tool, and theoretical perspectives on how performance intersects with politics. Students will examine repositories of language memory in their bodies as propulsive engines for their performance languages. The course also provides opportunities to investigate multi-languaging and the politicization of the linguistic public sphere(s) we live in. This course is perfect for those who want to improve their creative voice and engage in cultural work, education and activism.

We will explore various performative and creative traditions, including spoken word, martial arts, contemporary dance, and beatboxing. Throughout the course, we will engage in different creative processes, individually and with partners, and present our work to receive feedback. The course will culminate with each participant creating a short solo piece.

Festung Hohensalzburg
22. 7. – 3. 8. 24
Teaching language
What to expect and what to bring
This course is for those passionate about the performance arts and their ability to bring about change. It explores the connections between movement, spoken language, and the human voice. Participants should bring a notebook, pen, and comfortable clothing—no experience required.
Maximum number of participants
Participation fee
670 Euro (reduced 495 Euro)

Neta Weiner

Neta Weiner is a musician, theater director, actor, rapper, founder, lead singer, and accordionist of System Ali, a multilingual Jewish-Arab hip-hop project. Weiner is also the artistic director of the Beit System Ali social educational movement. He has created several critically acclaimed and award-winning stage works that have been produced for festivals and prominent theaters around the world. Weiner has appeared in several films and television shows as an actor. As a musician, he wrote the soundtrack for the acclaimed TV teen series “Madrasa” (“school” in Arabic). Last year, Weiner released his second solo album, “Pinui Binui,” written in Hebrew, Arabic, Yiddish, and English. Additionally, he has been practicing martial arts for over 20 years and is a licensed teacher of Wing Tsun Kung Fu.

Stav Marin

Stav Marin is a dancer, choreographer, and performer recognized with the prestigious Ministry of Culture Award. She served as Artistic Director of the Intimadance Festival in Tel Aviv and has worked on numerous dance and theater productions globally. Marin has collaborated with various international choreographers, dance companies, and artists. Her recent work, “Tsena Urena,” premiered at the Curtains Up Festival in 2022. The piece explores themes of tradition and motherhood through Yiddish and Hasidic dance. She is an experienced dance instructor and creative mentor.

Samira Saraya

Samira Saraya is an actor, writer, director, spoken word artist, and LGBTQ activist. In her early twenties, she began performing as a drag king while working as a nurse. Saraya’s first career breakthrough occurred in 2011 when she landed a lead role in the booming TV show Minimum Wage. Saraya won several awards in theater and cinema, including the Best Script Award for her short film Polygraph of 2018 at TLVFest. Saraya graduated from Tel Aviv University with a degree in directing and debuted with Polygraph in 2020. The film features the first openly lesbian Arab character in cinema.

Over the past decade, Saraya, Marin, and Weiner have collaborated on various art, education, and activism platforms. They have shared the stage in numerous shows and led community campaigns and educational programs.

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